- Heel pain
- Bunions
- Arthritis
- Neuroma’s
- Metatarsalgia / Plantar Plate Tears
- Ankle sprains
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy
- Ankle sprains
- Sesamoiditis
- Stress fractures
- Shin Splints
|  - Gait analysis
- Sporting injuries
- Footwear advice and selection
- Orthotic design, manufacture and repairs
- Orthotic review
- Cad Cam design, 3D laser scanning and 3D printed orthoses
| - Rehabilitation post trauma or surgery
- Management of post traumatic arthritis
- Ongoing support and care post reconstructive surgery
- Assistance with returning to activity
- Opinion regarding treatment options
- Complex orthotic and or shoe design to accommodate and support the reconstructed anatom